01 September, 2013

AAPG Profile Updates Are Important


Is your online membership profile up to date?

Is your online membership profile up to date?

A reminder: All members have the capability to update their contact information (address, phone, email, employer, etc.) at any time, everyday, via the profile page within our website’s “Members Only” area.

This is an important responsibility – both for you and AAPG.

For you, having the correct current content information ensures that you won’t miss any important communication that you’ll need – everything from dues information to notification about the latest AAPG news.

For us, having accurate contact information enables us to fulfill our stated purpose: “… to foster scientific research, advance the science of geology, promote technology and inspire high professional conduct.”

Incidentally, recent improvements to our database now allow members to input their education/training as well as biographical information – and, importantly, indicating if you are a military veteran.

By providing this data, you will allow AAPG greater opportunity for understanding of our demographics, review of statistical information and expand your networking capabilities via your alma mater and/or military service.

Updating your personal profile is an easy process:

  • Log in. (If you need help accessing your account and/or a reset of your password, contact AAPG Member Services via phone at (918) 560-9412, or email [email protected].)
  • Select Review/Change my profile (from the left navigational bar.)
  • Choose “Edit” from the gray buttons at the top of the page.

The option to indicate military veteran status is located under the Personal Information area (check the box, “I am a Veteran,” located under the box to enter a FAX number).

To update/enter your education training, look fo “Education Profile,” then choose “click here to modify.”

To enter a bio, click on the “Bio” button from among the gray buttons at the top of the page.

Our members are our greatest asset and we value and appreciate the contributions from each and every one. Thank you for your cooperation and keeping your profile current.