30 July, 2015

AAPG Student chapter in China holds Petroleum Geological Skills Competition


University of Petroleum Student Chapter of AAPG hosts the the second Qingdao Universities Petroleum Geological Skills Competition.

Wang Lin is president of the AAPG University of Petroleum China Student Chapter

On 22 November 2014, the 2nd Qingdao Universities Petroleum Geological Skills Competition was held at the China University of Petroleum (East China). This contest was held by the UPC School of Geosciences, hosted by the AAPG UPC Student Chapter, associated with the postgraduate association from the China University of Petroleum (East China) School of Geosciences, the Ocean University of China (OUC) School of Geology, and the Shandong University of Science and Technology (SDUST) School of Earth Science and Engineering.

The competition for the full-time students in the three universities aimed to improve students’ ability to be able to apply geological theories they’ve learnt into the actual work training,  their overall quality and comprehensive capabilities that can be applied to professional knowledge, and maintaining the communication bond between universities in Qingdao area. The six-week event was attended by 67 students who were divided into 15 teams as participants. It involved training, preparation and the formal competition. The formal competition stage consisted of two kinds of competition, the Oil and Gas Exploration Project Design and Basic Geological Skills Contest which was divided into two kinds of competition: The Rock Ore Appraisal and The Comprehensive Geological Knowledge Competition.

Dezhao Wang (UPC) stressed the importance of this competition and hoped that the three universities will take turns to host the event in the future. Anlong Li and Xiugang Xu from OUC, Guo-qing Wang from SDUST, Yonghong Yuan from UPC research department, Qilong Sun from the UPC School of geosciences, Dean Yongjun Ren from resource department, Dean Longwei Qiu from geology department, and student representatives from each three universities attended the opening ceremony.

Eight teams from Ocean University of China and China University of Petroleum explained the exploration plan of the study area from the aspect of regional geological survey, petroleum system analysis, technical interpretation, risk assessment. Team Wildcats from China University of Petroleum won the first prize, Team Geophysical Prospecting from Ocean University of China and Team Rainbow Voyage from China University of Petroleum won the second prize, and another three teams shared the third prize. The Geological Knowledge Competition consisted of The Knockout Stage, The Resurrection Stage and The final competition. Team B from Ocean University of China won the first prize, Team C from China University of Petroleum (East China) won the second prize, Team B from Shandong University of Science and Technology won the third prize and Team B from China University of Petroleum won the honorable mention.

Deng Shaogui as the Associate Dean of The Earth Institute at China University of Petroleum (East China) and Judge of “Comprehensive Geological Contest” expressed his congratulations to the winning teams and also expressed gratitude to the teachers and students who had worked hard for the event. Li Jingwen from Shandong University of Science and Technology made a speech on behalf of the contestants. She expressed her gratitude to the organizers who provide an academic knowledge platform for them and also gave the best wishes to the students.