06 May, 2010

Tell AAPG How We Can Serve Your Needs


You may already be aware of my presence in the Asia Pacific region to serve Members in any way I can — one primary function is to provide workshops and courses.

Dear AAPG Member,

You may already be aware of my presence in the Asia Pacific region to serve Members in any way I can — one primary function is to provide workshops and courses.

In order to do this, I would be grateful if you would provide me with a wish list of topics for education programmes, as well as information on possible presenters who can provide expertise for teaching courses for AAPG in this region.

To submit your Wish List: Please fill out this form and I will compile the data received and see how we can best fulfill members’ needs.

In addition, if you have a course you would like to teach yourself, we would love to see a proposal from you in order to build a collection of courses available in this region.

Our website provides guidelines for submitting Course Proposals. You can choose from Short Courses, Field Seminars, Schools, GeoTours, or Training on Demand. Proposals for courses to be considered as AAPG offerings should be sent to the Education Director and/or the Education Manager at AAPG. They are evaluated by the Education Department, as well as the Education Committee of AAPG as to content, timeliness, and potential audience appeal. A response is then given to the instructor once a decision about the proposal has been made. If the course is approved, it will most likely be offered in the calendar year following acceptance.

There are two formats to choose from:

  1. Conceptual: If you have an idea or “concept” about a course you’d like to teach, and want to find out if the committee would be receptive, you can submit a proposal to give us a brief outline of your idea;
  2. Formal: If you have a full course you’ve developed and/or given before, and can include a lot more detail, you can submit the formal proposal. If you initially submit a “concept proposal”, and the committee likes your idea, you will most likely be asked to provide more detail by completing the “formal proposal” form for review by the entire committee.

I look forward to your input in making the AAPG presence strongly felt in our region.


Adrienne Pereira

Programs Manager
AAPG Asia Pacific Region – Singapore

p.s. Please don’t hesitate to contact me for further information or to share ideas.