26 May, 2010

Congratulations to our Asia Pacific Recipients of the Grant-In-Aid 2010 Programme


The recipients from our region for 2010 are Justin MacDonald of the University of Adelaide who obtained a grant from the Gordon I. Atwater Memorial Grant and Sam Hemmings-Sykes of the Victoria University of Wellington who received one from the Wallace E Pratt Memorial Grant.

The recipients from our region for 2010 are Justin MacDonald of the University of Adelaide who obtained a grant from the Gordon I. Atwater Memorial Grant and Sam Hemmings-Sykes of the Victoria University of Wellington who received one from the Wallace E Pratt Memorial Grant.

The complete list of 2010 Recipients can be found at http://foundation.aapg.org/gia/current.cfm

Interested in applying for a Grant?

The purpose of the AAPG Foundation’s Grants-in-Aid program is to foster research in the geosciences. Grants are made to provide financial assistance to graduate students (currently enrolled in Masters or Ph.D. programs) whose thesis research has application to the search for and development of petroleum and energy-mineral resources, and/or to related environmental geology issues. Grants are based on merit, and in part, on the financial needs of the applicant. Although the focus of the program is the support of qualified candidates for Masters or equivalent degrees, qualified doctoral candidates are also encouraged to apply.

Factors weighed in selecting successful applicants include: the qualifications of an applicant as indicated by past performance; originality and imagination of the proposed project; support of the department in which the work is being done; and perceived significance of the project to petroleum, energy minerals and related environmental geology.

Grants range from $500 to $3,000 and are to be applied to expenses directly related to the student’s thesis work, such as field work, laboratory analyses, etc. Funds are NOT to be used for capital equipment, conferences, salaries, tuition, room and board during the school year.