01 February, 2011

Want to Help?

Support the Profession


Looking for a new way to support the next generation of geoscientists? Here are a few ideas to consider as you build goals for 2011.

Looking for a new way to support the next generation of geoscientists?

Here are a few ideas to consider as you build goals for 2011:

Recognize the accomplishments of others.
The AAPG Foundation’s Awards Fund is used to recognize excellence and accomplishments – from students to teachers to stalwarts who have made a difference.

Promote knowledge.
The Foundation provides specific support for Datapages, the BULLETIN, Search and Discovery and a variety of special publications each year – as well as an amazing video production, continuing education, lectures, student competitions, scholarships, K-12 programs and web services that are key in the dissemination of scientific information.

Build the future.
Many proposals are submitted to the Foundation yearly that are in need of funding. Some are research oriented; some are for fieldwork, teaching or training. Your contributions enable more geoscientists and students reach their objectives.

Have something specific in mind? You may want to support scouting, or you may choose to provide financial assistance for college and university professors to help defray the cost of attending AAPG courses.

Remember someone.
Make a contribution to any of the wonderful programs that the AAPG Foundation supportsin honor of or in memory of a special individual. We’ll be sure to give them the recognition they deserve.

Get involved.
Your presence is requested! Attend one of AAPG’s many events, including the upcomingAAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition, set April 10-13 in Houston. Or join a committee. Or become an AAPG Foundation Trustee Associate. For more information go to foundation.aapg.org/trusteeassociates.cfm, or call 918-560-2674.

The accompanying chart shows the breakdown of the Foundation’s 2011 budget.

The newest member of the Foundation Trustee Associates is David Hawk, from Boise, Idaho, current chair of the AAPG House of Delegates.

We’d also like to acknowledge John Silcox for establishing the John H. and Colleen Silcox Named Grant fund, which will support a graduate student in petroleum exploration.

For information on Trustee Associate membership or other Foundation programs, contact the Foundation staff at 918-560-2644.