15 June, 2013

Trisakti University Student Chapter Celebrated the Environment Day with GRAVITY


In the celebration of the Environment Day on 5th June, Geology Trisakti Student Chapter of American Association of Petroleum Geologists (GTSC of AAPG) held an event titled “GRAVITY (Geologists Save The Earth with Charity)”.

In the celebration of the Environment Day on 5th June, Geology Trisakti Student Chapter of American Association of Petroleum Geologists (GTSC of AAPG) held an event titled “GRAVITY (Geologists Save The Earth with Charity)”. This event was held on May, 26th 2013 – June, 7th 2013 in Trisakti University and the aim of the event is to increase public awareness of the surrounding environment. GRAVITY event was divided into two sections. Pre – event consisted of: “Counseling of Usage Water and Sanitation” (26/5) by Hilarion Widyatmoko from Trisakti University in Muara Angke, Pluit, North Jakarta. This counseling was aimed to provide an understanding about the condition of the community in areas of minimal sanitation as well as countermeasures that should be taken; “Amigos Care” (31/5) which is a river cleaning program on the riverside area around Trisakti University; and “GRAVITY Creative” (1/7) which promoted recycling of used goods, held in cooperation with CCE Community. The main event that was held on June, 7th 2013 consisted of a seminar by Tumpak Wilmar Hutabarat from WALHI (Wahana Lingkungan Hidup), a nationwide environmental care organization, discussing “Why is Necessary to Observe The Environment”. There was also a Workshop by Mr. Nur Salam from Si Dalang (Kreasi Daur Ulang) organization about how to make a recycled paper by using paper waste and how to make photo frames by recycled paper. This event included a fun bazaar and entertainment by Panca Atis, a local stand-up comedian. We hope that as an AAPG Student Chapter, we care not only about petroleum geology and petroleum industry, but also upon awareness to protect the Earth.