26 August, 2014

1st Core Workshop, Keyworth, UK


The "Explore The Core" series will allow participants the freedom to examine specially selected cores, with expertise accessible throughout.

5th – 6th November 2014, BGS Core Store, Keyworth, UK

The “Explore The Core” series will allow participants the freedom to examine specially selected cores, with expertise accessible throughout. Whilst having the core immediately available for intimate assessment, a series of associated talks will expand upon the significance of the stratigraphy shown.

On the 5th and 6th November 2014, the AAPG presents a unique opportunity to examine a Mississippian sequence first hand, in it’s broader geologic and economic context. Speakers will be invited to present on topics ranging from pore-scale to basin-scale and beyond, including some key analogues from elsewhere in the world.

The technical workshop entitled “The Mississippian World: Shales and Cyclothems” will look at strata ranging from organic-rich shales, to karstified carbonates and pro-delta fabrics. Speakers from Universities and Industry will combine to elaborate on this cycle of palaeoenvironments that are gaining renewed significance within the geological history of the UK.

REGISTER or contact [email protected] for more information.